Rami Malek. I hope
his charisma and equally introverted and extroverted vision of rocker
Freddie Mercury will send him all the way to Oscar nomination glory.
He’s transfixing; everything from his goofily over-sized teeth to
his impressive moves, he becomes Mercury. It’s beyond just
imitation. Sure he’s most lip syncing most of the time but it’s
pretty seamless. His bandmates played by Joseph Mazzello (as John
Deacon), Ben Hardy (as Roger Taylor), and Gwilym Lee (as Brian May)
are all great and impressive doubles for their real-life
counterparts. Lucy Boynton is good as the love the Mercury’s life
Mary Austin.
The film is sort of
a “best of” with plenty of well-staged music numbers featuring
all the great Queen songs including a spectacular finale at their
notoriously well-received appearance at the 1985 Live Aid concert.
Sweeping camera moves and spectacular sound design make you feel like
you’re there. Then of course is all the drama that comes with music
biopics. This is obviosly not the film’s strongest element but it
works well enough.
Originally conceived
by Peter Morgan who gave us, ironically, “The Queen,” the film
went through many iterations before settling on the work of
screenwriter Anthony McCarten. The film doesn’t feel overly
controversial in the portrayal of Mercury or his band mates which is
probably because surviving members were involved in the production.
For a big budget studio-baked production the film doesn’t shy away
from the queerness factor. Mercury is portrayed as falling in love
with a woman but it becomes obvious to her, him, and to us as the
film progresses that he’s not being true to himself. The film
handles it well enough. Maybe if the film had been more “indie”
things would have been handled differently but the film doesn’t
“straight wash” Mercury in the slightest. McCarten’s script
even takes liberties with some of the real life events and the
historic timeline for creative and dramatic purposes but this isn’t
a documentary. I don’t even think a narrative film about a real
life person even exists that is 100% accurate.
Rhapsody” was completely intoxicating from beginning to end. Maybe
it doesn’t quite have the edge that many think is required to be
completely honest about who Mercury was (the film’s PG-13 rating
being proof of that) but did this film need dirty language and
graphic sex just to seem more “realistic” or “true?” Hardly.
It’s not as if it Disneyfies Mercury’s life. I found his outward
struggles with fame and his inward struggles with himself relatable
and ultimately moving. It’s even just impressive to have a studio
backed film about such an iconic queer person. The film is solid
entertainment, emotionally engaging, and unsurprisingly has a killer
soundtrack that completely brings the house down. The extremely
likable Rami Malek commands the screen and makes me want to listen to
Queen nonstop until the end of time. GRADE: B+
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